
At some point a man has to realize that they went down a rabbit-hole without any way to escape it. TikZ is one such rabbit-hole and, yes, I am that man.

In broad terms TikZ is a programming language within LaTeX, to generate graphics from code.

Standalone TikZ

The standalone package for LaTeX is inteded as a way to put graphics such as those generated by TikZ into a standalone document to be included in other documents. We are going to use it to generate a pdf with the TikZ graphic.

% graphic.tex
\documentclass[border=0pt, tikz]{standalone}


To compile we simply run:

pdflatex graphic.tex

Convert to SVG

To convert this pdf into a svg file we are going to use the pdf2svg command-line converter:

pdf2svg graphic.tex

Et voilà! We produced an svg file from TikZ Source Code.

Quick and Easy

Consider the following script for quick compilation:


# check for input file

if [ -z "$input" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <input>"
  exit 1

if [ ! -f "$1.tex" ]; then
  echo "File not found: $1.tex"
  exit 1

# compile
echo "Compiling $1.tex..."
pdflatex -interaction=batchmode "$1.tex" > /dev/null

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: pdflatex failed!"
  exit 1

echo "Converting to $1.svg..."
pdf2svg "$1.pdf" "$1.svg"

echo "Done!"

# cleanup
rm "$1.aux" "$1.log"